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This website is hosted and managed  independently of WimPen and Onagrup.
Views expressed here  are not necessarily shared by the Administrators of Las Casitas

Can’t use your weeks?

Then why not put your timeshare weeks into the rental program

Wimpen manage a very successful rental scheme offering owners the opportunity to let their weeks enabling possible recovery of maintenance fees.  All net rental proceeds are paid to the owner a month  after checkout by the rental guest.

Rental is not guaranteed and the sooner you put your weeks into the programme, the greater the chance of a successful rental.

To take advantage of the scheme, login to the private area at wimpen.net and follow the link at the top to ‘Owners Letting’

Private Rentals

Private rentals are not permitted as Wimpen is the sole legally licenced authority to provide rentals under Spanish Holiday Rental law.

You can also use the rental programme by contacting owner@wimpen.com

Use your iPhone to access wimpen.net

Some owners have reported difficulty in using an iPhone to access Wimpen website. We hope this brief tutorial will help

1. Click ‘EN’ for English. Click the lines for the menu

2. Login to the Private area

3. Enter Username and Password

4. Click the lines for the menu

5. Follow the link required