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How to obtain your NIE Number

In Spain an NIE Number is essential for a wide range of legal and informal purposes whether you are resident or non-resident.  If you want to buy or rent property, work and many other purposes you will need an NIE number. What is it and how to do you get one?

An NIE number (Número de Identificación de Extranjero, or Foreigner’s Identification Number) is the personal and unique tax identification number which is used to track your financial and legal activities in Spain. It is required for all foreigners with financial, professional or social affairs in Spain, whether they are a resident or non-resident in Spain.

You will need an NIE number to buy or sell your tmeshare

There are two ways to obtain:

1.  IN UK: contact the Spanish Consulates in the UK or our list of recommended Notaries.

2. IN PLAYA BLANCA:  contact BM Legal in Playa Blanca.